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Pump It Up! All About Sump Pumps, Explained

Austin Werner
Sump Pump Solutions
Sump Pump Solutions

No homeowner wants water damage in their home. Not only does it cause a wet basement, but standing water can lead to expensive basement cracks and leaks. One of the best home waterproofing solutions to invest in is a sump pump. But these little machines can cause a lot of questions and confusion.

What exactly is a sump pump?

The idea of a sump pump is simple: It is a pump installed in the basement that will expel water away from the house. It accumulates all standing water from the home in a water collecting sump basin and is used primarily after a large rainstorm or a flood.

Which sump pump should I choose? Submersible or pedestal?

The answer will depend on your needs and budgets. Submersible pumps generally come with newer homes and are cooled by the ground water they sit in. Conversely, pedestal sump pumps are cooled by the air flow around them, making them more economical to operate. Plus, pedestal sump pumps usually last 25 to 30 years if they are installed properly and kept away from debris.

How much horsepower is needed?

A sump pump’s horsepower generally does two things: it moves the water out faster and it uses more electricity. If you live in an environment that is prone to flooding and rainstorms, you may want to consider a higher horsepower so the water can be pushed out faster and the basement water leaks will be kept at bay.

How big should the pump’s pit be?

Generally speaking, the bigger the pit the better. You will want to create a hole large enough that the pump can run with a tethered float switch, meaning this will allow a good amount of water to accumulate in the pit before the pump runs. Large pits will let more time go by between pump operations, saving on electricity expenses and prolonging the pump’s life.
Basement water leaks are never fun. Contact our professionals today if you have any additional questions about sump pumps or if you would like one installed in your home.
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Austin Werner

Austin Werner is the Owner of The Real Seal LLC, a basement waterproofing and foundation repair company. Austin believes that having a highly trained and happy team is the key to success. This is reflected through hundreds of 5 star customer reviews his company has received online.

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