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Where’s All This Water Coming From? 4 Common Causes of Basement Leaks

Austin Werner
4 Common Causes of Basement Leaks
4 Common Causes of Basement Leaks
A wet basement is the bane of every homeowner; no one wants to have water seeping into their home, causing mold and rot, warped wood, and expensive basement crack repair. Unfortunately, this can happen for a variety of different reasons, no matter the type of foundation you have or the condition of your home. 
The most important thing you should do if you are experiencing a persistently wet basement is to determine where the water is coming from. Once you determine how the water enters your home, you will then be able to figure out the right water proofing solutions for your situation. So, to keep expensive foundation repairs at bay, here are some causes of water entering your home.

Why is my basement leaking?

Understanding these causes will make sure you can save money when repairing foundation leaks!

Lateral Pressure

The soil around the foundation easily absorbs water from rainfall and snowfall. Some soils, such as clay, don’t drain as quickly as others, which causes a build up of water pressure underneath the ground. When the soil expands around the excess water, it creates a lateral — or sideways — pressure against the home’s foundation.

Hydrostatic Pressure

This type of pressure is also caused by water accumulating in the area around the home. However, this pressure is affected by the natural water table of your geographical location, which is the level where ground water exists. When the area is flooded by a lot of rainfall or snowfall, the water table rises. This creates a pressure from below that forces water into the basement.


A poorly planted foundation can cause many home waterproofing problems. To prevent any additional water from seeping into your home, you should make sure that your landscaping slopes away from the home. As a rule of thumb, the soil around your home’s foundation should slope at least six inches for every 10 horizontal feet.

Window wells

Window wells are installed in the basement as a way to let light in, but if they do not have adequate seals or drains, water can accumulate after a large rainfall. Plus, if the window was not installed properly, there is a possibility all this water can create enough pressure to push the window in.

Understanding where the water is coming from when you have a wet basement is the first step in repairing foundation leaks properly. If you are noticing a lot of extra water in your home and need some help figuring out where it came from, don’t hesitate to contact basement waterproofing professionals ASAP.


Austin Werner

Austin Werner is the Owner of The Real Seal LLC, a basement waterproofing and foundation repair company. Austin believes that having a highly trained and happy team is the key to success. This is reflected through hundreds of 5 star customer reviews his company has received online.

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