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What is the cost to fix a foundation issue?

Austin Werner
Common Causes of Foundation Cracks
Common Causes of Foundation Cracks

Foundation issues come in all shapes and sizes. Some of them can be large and some can be much more manageable. The cost of a home foundation repair really comes down to the underlying issue and how much damage has been caused thus far.

For example, a house that has just begun settling is much less expensive to repair than a house that was settling and was neglected for years. We will speak to the scope and intensity of the repairs vs how long we wait to address them below.

Let’s run through a few scenarios so we can get some “ballpark estimates” on the cost of home foundation repair for each issue homeowners typically face.


    1. Foundation Settlement/Sinking is caused when underlying soil conditions cannot support the structure above. This causes the structure to settle into the ground.
    2. Many times, this involves just one section of the structure, not the entire foundation. Problem is, as time progresses, that settlement causes the other parts of the structure to move as well.
      1. If you link hands with 5 of your friends and one falls down, it will pull you as well.
    3.  So, if the issue is caught early, the cost can be under $20k to repair, which would cover approximately 7 piers, the typical-average job.
    4.  If the issue is NOT caught, or is completely ignored, the cost can rise quite significantly. As the problem expands, more piers are needed. These foundations that are ignored for too long can end up costing upwards of $50-$100k, depending on the size of the home.
      1.  Not factored into that is all the work that needs to be done after the foundation is repaired.
        1. Tuck pointing
        2. Drywall/Carpentry repair
        3. Window repair/replacement
        4. Driveway/Slab concrete replacement
    5. Settlement repairs are not cheap.


Bowing/Tipping Wall

      1. Bowing Foundation Walls are caused when Hydrostatic pressure forces the wall inwards, causing a bow or a tilt.
        1. It doesn’t take an engineer to know how big of an issue that can be. Yes, it is serious. Yes, it needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
      2. Same as settlement above, the issue becomes more expensive the longer it is ignored. Catching the issue early is key.
      3. A typical 40-foot wall will cost approximately $7k to repair and stabilize, as long as the bow and or tilt is 2” or less. This
        1. Carbon Fiber Straps
        2. Wall Plate Anchors
        3. Structural I-Beams
      4. Once a wall exceeds 2” of bow, Carbon Fiber and Structural I-Beams are no longer a viable solution. It is time to move to Wall Plate Anchors and talk about moving the wall back.
        1.  Once a wall has moved inwards half the thickness of the wall (8” thick foundation wall that has moved 4”), it will need to either be pushed back or replaced.
        2. This is due to the wall losing its structural integrity and ability to hold up the structure.
      5. Wall Plate Anchors can then be used to push the wall back to plumb. This requires extra work above and beyond using the Wall Plate Anchors just to stabilize:
        1. Trench dug on the outside to allow the wall to move back.
        2. Bracing done on the inside in order to stop the wall from collapsing during repair.
        3. Lifting the home off the wall, moving the wall, lowering the home back onto the wall.
        4. Replacing the dirt, and then the landscaping to restore the yard back to original condition.
        5. Any Trees/Patios/AC Units/Anything in the way needs to be removed and then replaced after we are done.
      6. The cost of this jumps up depending on how much is in the way. A good “ballpark” to use for that same 40-foot wall example above would be about $12k.


Sagging Floors

    1.  Sagging Floors are usually caused by I-Beam and I-Beam support issues. The obvious extra cost when this issue is ignored will be the replacement of an entire floor, or more of your house when it collapses into your basement or crawl space.
    2. I-Beam Supports, with footings, can cost about $1,300 each. There are on average 3 supports for that same 40-foot length. So, replacing your supports would cost around $4k, $6.5 if all 5 are being installed.
    3.  Replacement of the I-Beam is a little more intensive:
      1. We will need to lift the home off the I-Beam.
      2.  Replace the I-Beam section by section (usually 9-10 foot sections).
      3.  Lower the house back onto the I-Beam.
    4. Typical I-Beam replacement costs on average $300 per foot of I-Beam.
      1. Not including demolition of walls to get access, or replacement of that wall.
      2.  So, for that 40-foot wall, the I-Beam would be about $12k. With the supports, you are looking at about $16k-$20k depending on the full scope of work.

These are the 3 major Foundation Issues that will happen to your basement, and some ballpark figures for the cost of the home foundation repair. If you would like a specific quote for your issue, be sure to contact a reputable, professional company to come out and give you an evaluation. Thanks for reading, and as always,

Not Everything’s Better When Wet

Flood Prevention

Because of its location, a basement is vulnerable to flooding. This can problematic because flooding ruins any furniture or other possessions that you store there. It also makes the space generally unusable and unsanitary. If you waterproof your basement, you won’t have to worry about this happening when heavy storms do arrive.


Austin Werner

Austin Werner is the Owner of The Real Seal LLC, a basement waterproofing and foundation repair company. Austin believes that having a highly trained and happy team is the key to success. This is reflected through hundreds of 5 star customer reviews his company has received online.

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